Richmond Hill Lodge



Recent Events


On 1st February 2025, Cedars of Lebanon carried out a ceremony of Raising on behalf of RHL, continuing and strengthening the bond between the Lodges. The ceremony of Raising was carried out in a sincere and memorable manner for Bro Piotr Tomaszewski making it another special day for the Tomaszewski family as Piotr’s son Laurence also attended the meeting. This was not the first time Cedars of Lebanon had carried out ceremonies for RHL.

In total 9 members of RHL attended the meeting in support of Bro Tomaszewski and also in reciprocal support of Cedars of Lebanon Lodge who attended RHL Burns night meeting in strength just over a week earlier.

An excellent Festive Board followed.

Bro Piotr with WM Andrew Elliot of Cedars of Lebanon Lodge and members of RHL

Bro Piotr with his WM WBro Luke Brown

Bro Laurence Tomaszewski with his father Bro Piotr at Piotr’s raising


On the 23rd January 2025 the Lodge carried out a double initiation followed by the Annual Burns night Festive Board. It was therefore a very special day for the newly made Bros Darren Palmer and Anthony Jones. This annual January meeting has always been well attended but on this occasion a few records were broken with over 100 brethren in attendance drawn from more that 34 Lodges. More would have attended the meeting and Burns Night Festive Board had Cole Court’s largest dining room and the main temple not been at or certainly near their respective capacities.

The well rehearsed ceremony was carried out in a sincere manner by WBro Luke Brown and his Officers. In addition, Bros Nick Simpson and Chris Britton were presented with their Grand Lodge Certificates.

The Burns Night Festive Board included as usual Pipes, Haggis, Whisky, Raffles and good cheer !!

An excellent event in Richmond Hill’s calendar and made more valuable by the Funds raised for charitable causes.

The successful day was the result of hard work by many in the Lodge but particularly tireless work by WBro Robert McLintock, the Lodge Secretary, for whom a good rest to recover is in order !

Bro Tony and Bro Darren at their first Festive Board
Dining Room Before dinner

Dining Room at capacity
Address to the Haggis


On 16th January 2025, Lodge of Fidelity carried out a Ceremony of Passing for a Richmond Hill Lodge member, Bro Laurence Tomaszewski. Bro Laurence had been initiated at Richmond Hill Lodge on 19th September 2024. This sharing of Ceremonial Work providing an excellent start to 2025 and continued the support for the Provincial Workshare Scheme.

The Ceremony was carried out in an excellent and sincere manner by the Lodge of Fidelity Worshipful Master W.Bro Glynn Smith and his Officers, followed by a very enjoyable Festive Board.

The Meeting was well attended by several members of Richmond Hill Lodge including Bro Piotr Tomaszewski, Laurence’s father.

Many thanks to Lodge of Fidelity for making this a special day for Richmond Hill Lodge and the Tomaszewski family.

Bro Laurence with the WM and Deacons of Lodge of Fidelity

Bro Laurence with his father Bro Piotr

Bro Laurence with visiting Members of Richmond Hill Lodge

Upcoming Events

The next REGULAR MEETINGS of the Lodge are as below (all at Cole Court, Twickenham).

Thursday 17th April 2025, 5pm (Installation Meeting).

ADDITIONAL MEETINGS as part of the Provincial Workshare Programme.

Saturday 1st February 2025, 5pm. Ceremony of Raising. Cedars of Lebanon Lodge No. 4317.

Past Events


Lodge members met up at the Twickenham Royal British Legion Club on Thursday 12th December 2024 for the traditional Pre Christmas drinks get-together. As usual it was a well attended and thoroughly enjoyable evening following a very busy year for the Lodge. Even at this social event there was a possible Candidate for Initiation to meet and make welcome.

Cheers !!
Past Masters having a Jumper Competition !


As part of the provincial work share scheme, the Worshipful Master and Members of Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge 9940 agreed to carry out the Raising of Bro Chris Britton for Richmond Hill Lodge on Friday 13th December 2024. The ceremony was carried out in a sincere and excellent manner making it a very memorable occasion for Bro Chris and it was well attended by Members of Richmond Hill Lodge. New friends were made and acquaintances renewed.

Bro Chris with Members of both Lodges
Bros Chris and Nick both Raised in 2024 !


A well attended Regular Meeting took place at Cole Court on 14th November at which a Practise Ceremony of an Initiation was carried out. The Practise was due to the unfortunate illness of a candidate who was due to be initiated that day.

The Worshipful Master and his team of Officers carried out the ceremony in an excellent manner and thanks were given to Bro Nick van Beek for standing in as a candidate and experiencing the ceremony for a 2nd time !! Afterwards a Festive Board was enjoyed by Members and their guests.

W Bro Luke Brown taking control of the meeting !!

Brethren awaiting their Steak Pie at the Festive Board


The Thanksgiving Service was attended by several members of the Lodge.

Our newly Raised Bro Pratik in the magnificent St Albans Cathedral


The theme of Lodges extending hands of friendship continued with the Worshipful Master and members of Sunbury Lodge No 1733 agreeing to carry out a Raising ceremony for Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698 on Wednesday 23rd October 2024. This being part of the provincial work-share scheme. The Worshipful Master WBro Alan Ocock PPrAGDC and his team of officers carried out the ceremony of Raising for Bro Pratik Patel who having joined Richmond Hill Lodge in 2023 had prepared himself to answer the questions leading from the 2nd to the 3rd degree. The ceremony was carried out in an excellent and sincere manner by the W.Bro Ocock and his officers.

It was noteworthy that the Acting Senior Deacon, Bro Mitch Seedwell, carried out the duties of Senior Deacon with complete confidence which was appreciated by all those present. In addition Bro Mitch presented the 3rd Degree working tools to Bro Pratik.

After the meeting the members of both Sunbury Lodge and Richmond Hill Lodge and other visitors enjoyed an excellent Festive Board before retiring to the bar.

W Bro Alan Ocock with his Officers and Bro Pratik Patel

Richmond Hill IPM WBro Marek Wojcik congratulates Bro Pratik

Members of Richmond Hill Lodge supporting Bro Pratik on his Raising

The Festive Board


The Worshipful Master and members of Middlesex Home Services Lodge 5936 agreed to carry out a Raising ceremony for Richmond Hill Lodge as part of the Provincial Workshare Scheme on 9th October 2024.

The Worshipful Master and his Officers carried out the Raising of Bro Nick Simpson who had joined Richmond Hill Lodge 6698 in 2023 and had well prepared himself to answer the Worshipful Master’s questions leading to the 3rd Degree in Freemasonry. The ceremony was carried out in an excellent and sincere manner by the Worshipful Master and his team.

Present at the meeting was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Paul Sully PSGD with his Escort along with 8 members of Richmond Hill Lodge, including Bro Martin Simpson, the Father of Bro Nick Simpson who was Raised, and WBro Grant Baird LGR who seconded Bro Nick into Freemasonry.

The meeting was made particularly special and memorable as the late Father of Bro Martin Simpson (and the Grandfather of Bro Nick Simpson) was actually a member of Middlesex Home Services Lodge.

WBro Paul Sully APGM, Bro Nick Simpson and WBro Andrew Stephens WM
Bro Martin Simpson with his son Bro Nick Simpson and W.Bro Grant Baird LGR, all of Richmond Hill Lodge
Members of both Lodges together with the APGM WBro Paul Sully and his Escort

New friendships were forged in a very enjoyable Festive Board and in the Bar afterwards !


The Lodge continued its busy schedule of ceremonies with a double initiation at its 19th September 2024 meeting with Bros Mateusz Dutka and Laurence Tomaszewski taking their first step in Freemasonry. Laurence being the son of an existing member Bro Piotr Tomaszewski. This was the first regular meeting for the recently installed Master, WBro Luke Brown and his Officers some of which were taking office for the first time.

The ceremony was carried out by the Worshipful Master and his officers in a very confident and sincere manner including the presentation of the Working Tools by Bro Piotr and the Ancient Charge by WBro Colin Howard after the Initiation.

The Visiting Officer, WBro Lindsey Read then formally welcomed the Initiates into Freemasonry in general and into the Province of Middlesex and Richmond Hill Lodge 6698 in particular.

In addition, The Worshipful Master welcomed WBro David Holmes into the Lodge as a Joining Member.

IPM WBro Marek Wojcik, Bro Laurence Tomaszewski, WM WBro Luke Brown and Bro Matt Dutka

Due to a pre-known technical problem impacting on the kitchen at Cole Court, there followed a slightly abridged version of the Festive Board with the Main Courses being collected from a local restaurant. The Main Courses were followed by superb Desserts arranged by Bro Pratik Patel from his experience in catering and restaurant businesses. The Stewards had to work unusually hard prior to and at the Festive Board which was recognised by the Worshipful Master !!

Overall, with many Members helping, the Festive Board was a lively and enjoyable one making it a special evening for the newly initiated members.

The Acting Director of Ceremonies, WBro Colin Howard having a well earned rest at the Festive Board

The Worshipful Master gives the thumbs up for an excellent start to the Masonic Year


Members attended the Provincial AGM at Great Queen street on the 14th May 2024. An informative and enjoyable day was had by all ………… before, during and after the meeting !!

Before and After, many will recognise the venue !

In the magnificent Grand Temple


W.Bro Luke Brown with his Grandfather W.Bro Frank Brown PPrSGW

The members of Richmond Hill Lodge held their annual Installation Meeting on Thursday 18th April 2024. It was a very special occasion for W.Bro Frank Brown PPrSGW who had the pleasure of watching his Grandson Bro Luke Brown being installed into the Chair of king Solomon by the now IPM W.Bro Marek Wojcik. The ceremony was performed in a very sincere manner by the Installing Master with support from other members of the lodge

W.Bro Frank Brown also had the pleasure of giving the address to the Worshipful Master, his Grandson Luke, who is now Master of Richmond Hill Lodge for the ensuing year. The address to the Wardens was given by W.Bro Colin Howard PProvGStwd and the address to the Brethren was given by WBro Patrick Gray PJGD.


W.Bro Marek Wojkic, Bro Chris Britton, W.Bro Andrew Elliott, W.Bro Rob Rough PSGD

The theme of Lodges extending hands of friendship continued with the Worshipful Master and members of Cedars of Lebanon Lodge No 4317 kindly agreeing once again to carry out a passing ceremony for Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698 on Saturday 6th April 2024. This being part of the provincial work-share scheme.

The Worshipful Master of Cedars of Lebanon, WBro Andrew Elliott, together with Bro Hossein Nejad as Senior Deacon and Bro Bashar Al Ash as Junior Deacon performed an exemplary ceremony of Passing for Bro Christopher Britton who, having joined RHL No 6698 in January 2024, had learnt the questions and answers leading to the 2ndDegree in Freemasonry. The ceremony was honoured by the presence of WBro Robert Rough PSGD – Assistant Provincial Grand Master and his supporting team. A thoroughly friendly and charitable Festive Board was enjoyed by both lodges and visitors. Many thanks to W. Bro. David Smith ProvDepGDC for his hard work in organising a very good afternoon and evening.

The Worshipful Master, WBro Marek Wojcik (RHL) together with 5 members of Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698 attended the meeting in support of Bro Chris Britton.


The Lodge celebrated its 75th Anniversary on Thursday 21st September 2023 at TDMC Cole Court. The members were honoured by the inaugural visit of their Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Ian Ferguson PGStdB with his escorting team.

The members held an Initiation ceremony for Bro Nicholas Simpson, which was an excellent ceremony carried out by the Worshipful Master, together with the APGM presenting Bro Nick with his Entered Apprentice apron during the ceremony. Bro Nick’s Father, Bro Martin Simpson also became a joining member in support of his Son.

The Lodge also honoured their long-standing Tyler WBro Clive Jarvis PPrSGW who became the Tyler at the Installation Meeting on the 18th April 2001 and the members confered Honorary Membership on WBro Clive for his long-standing service and support given to the lodge over the past 20 years. WBro Clive was welcomed as an Honorary Member by the Worshipful Master.

WBro Peter Geldhill PGStdB was also present at the meeting as representative from the Middlesex Masonic Charity (MMC) and made a presentation of Charity Cheques to the WBro Graham Cooley, The Lodge Charity Steward. These cheques were for the Lodge’s charity donations from the anniversary grant the Lodge had received from the MMC.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master gave a short oration of the history and events to the Lodge:-

The Tribute: Since your consecration on the 20thSeptember 1948, the Lodge has enjoyed the company of 144 members, initiating an incredible 95 new members into our fraternity.  You’ve enjoyed the leadership of some 42 Masters, 56 Wardens, 19 Directors of Ceremonies and 29 Secretaries.

So, what sort of year was 1948? It was the year when King Charles was born, Nationalisation created British Railways, Burma gained its independence, the Olympic Games were held in London, the first games since the Berlin Olympics in 1936. The Co-op opened its first branchand a new sweet had just been launched called Polo.”

W.Bro Ian continued, “You trace your lineage back to 1785 and the Lodge of Harmony No 255.  You were ultimately begat by Richmond Lodge No 2032 which made its own appearance in March of 1884. You were Consecrated at Freemasons Hall and dined at the Connaught Rooms and have met in 3 other centres before coming to your current home at Cole Court on the 21stSeptember 1972. Over the years the Lodge has: Jointly initiated a father and son, initiated an operative Mason, twins, and fathers have invested sons and grandfathers have invested grandsons.

You’ve had and still have many members of public note and civil honours, including a Mayor of the former borough of Twickenham, the piper to the late Queen Elizabeth the Second and my personal favourite, the publican of the Cabbage Patch pub in TwickenhamRichmond Hill has not only been a Lodge of fine Masons, but a lodge of great kindness. Back in 1998 the Chairman of the Festival Committee, W. Bro Dudley Wensley said on his visit that you deserve exceptional praise for your generous contributions to charity, which has never dwindled over your history both before then or after. You have been Grand Patron of the Middlesex Retirement Charity, Royal Masonic Institute for Girls, Royal Masonic Institute for Boys, Royal Masonic Hospital, the Middlesex 1998, 2009 and 2020 festivals and continue to support the Prince Michael of Kent Court”.

The APGM said the Lodge was a shining jewel in the Crown of the Province of Middlesex and that the founders would be proud of these achievements. W.Bro Ian then welcomed the newest member into the Province and said that he would be entering a respected and joyful Lodge whose members for 75 years have exhibited the finest traditions of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

W. Bro Ian then thanked the Lodge members by saying, “I’m grateful for you allowing me and the Provincial delegation to play a small part in your celebration here this afternoon. It fills me with tremendous happiness that you are marking this milestone with an initiation.  As we acknowledge the past this allows us to look to the future, and with Lodges like Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698 in our Province, we will grow in strength and numbers both now and for our future generations.”

Richmond Hill Lodge members now look forward to the future with a growing membership and a positive outlook with all the challenges this may hold for Freemasonry.

A few on the Lodge Members with WBro Ian Ferguson on the 75th Anniversary of the Lodge

Click on Photo below to get more news of WORK-SHARE


Click on photo below to get more details of the BURNS SUPPER


Click on photo below to get more details of 50 YEARS OF SERVICE


To find out more about Freemasonry in Middlesex.

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